A Walk in 1875 St Louis lists

Neighborhoods covered in the maps
The St Louis riverfront
Lucas Place
Old North
Tower Grove Park
Forest Park
Lafayette Square

Titles of themes, or topics, explored in the exhibit
Experience the Market
1875 Restaurants: Grabbing a Bite to Eat
A Hard Day’s Pay
A Mother’s Cook Book
Hitting the Streets
Keeping Healthy
The Brewing Industry’s Mighty Rise
1875 Water: Keeping the Pumps Running
Crazy Weather of 1875
The Great Divorce of St. Louis City and County
Who was Mayor in 1875?
The Smelly, Smoky City
King of the Midwest: St. Louis vs Chicago
St. Louis’ Loudest Trumpeter
Seeking a Spectacle: Strange 1875 Tourism
Playing Around in 1875 St. Louis
The Nation’s Eyes on St. Louis
The Whiskey Ring Scandal Breaks
Danger: The Endless Threat of Fire
Crime and the Underside
High School: Continuing Education
Middle Class Life: One House; Separate Lives
Interesting Industry
Step Right up and Get Your Velocipede
Building a Community: African Americans
Working Class Home Life
Destitute Life
Two Immigrants: Two Experiences
The Middle-Class Home
Going to School
What is a Pictorial Map?
Maps Across America: Depicting an Expanding Country
The Making of “Pictorial St. Louis”

Interactive displays
Did these places exist in 1875?
Did these items exist in 1875?
Explore the Map!
Talk Like an 1875’er!