Historic Site Signage and MODOT

Would the Missouri Department of Transportation remove signage for historic sites in Missouri?

Here are two web sites speaking of this possibility:

Missouri Preservation announced the possibility on its web site on Dec 16, 2014.

Change.org has a petition about the issue.

Article about the National Caves Association’s opposition to MODOT’s possible plan to restrict highway signage for tourist sites include historic sites.

Interview of a MODOT official about the proposed signage changes reported in the Ste. Genevieve Suntimes.

Would you speak up?
If this is the case, removal of the highway signage for historic sites may decrease the accessibily of sites to potential visitors from outside this area. Local sites depend to a significant extent on visitors from outside the immediate area. Might you speak up about this issue by signing the petition on the Change.org web site?

Sample of highway signage for historic sites. From: https://preservemo.wordpress.com

Sample of highway signage for historic sites. From: https://preservemo.wordpress.com