The Sappington-Concord Historical Society works with other organizations and institutions in the Sappington-Concord area including schools, churches, Boy Scout troops, libraries, retirement facilities, local municipalities and civic organizations. Listed below are events not directly sponsored by SCHS but are related in some way to SCHS.
These events are listed here as helpful information to SCHS members and visitors to our website. It is not a comprehensive listing and again, these events are not sponsored by SCHS. It is hoped that they are of interest to our members and website visitors.
Events Related to SCHS
Nick Fry on The Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Jan27 2020
The Sunset Hills Historical Society (SHHS) will feature local transportation aficionado Nick Fry on Monday, January 27, 2020 at 7 PM at the Sunset Hills City Hall.
Fry will present “The Ohio and Mississippi Railroad; The First Railroad Linking St. Louis to the East.” His vast knowledge of the railroads in America will appeal to all train buffs.
He will give an overview of the construction and history of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, which is the pre-Civil War wide gauge railroad that linked St. Louis to Cincinnati and the East.
Nick Fry is the Curator at the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library, St. Louis Mercantile Library, at the University of Missouri – St. Louis.
This program of the Sunset Hills Historical Society will be at the Sunset Hills City Hall located at 3939 South Lindbergh Blvd.; St. Louis, MO 63127. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sunset Hill Historical Society 2020 event schedule
January 27 – Nick Fry on “The Ohio and Mississippi Railroad; The First Railroad Linking St. Louis to the East”
Feb 24 – Ed Wheatley, President of St Louis Browns Historical Society & Fan Club presents, “St. Louis Browns, The Story of a Beloved Team”
March 23 – Cancelled Valerie Battle Kienzle, Author of What’s with St. Louis? second edition Cancelled
April 27 – Brian Finch, Cardinal Museum and Hall of Fame – Mudcat Band and Gashouse Gang
May 18 – Nick Sacco from the U.S. National Park Service US Grant National Historic Site – including Grant history in the St. Louis area.
Route 66 Aficionado Phil Denton - October 28 2019
Route 66 Salute
The October meeting of the Sunset Hills Historical Society will feature local Sunset Hills resident and Route 66 aficionado Phil Denton on Monday, October 28, 2019 at 7 PM at the Sunset Hills City Hall, 3939 South Lindbergh.
Denton’s presentation will focus on the local sites that grew as a result of automobile travel, and will include Route 66 pathways and bridges throughout St. Louis. Sunset Hills claims only two and one-half miles of Route 66 but the Route also had six motels and one tourist resort located on or near the route.
Denton states, “While these businesses are no longer present in Sunset Hills, and the Watson Road historic bridge and cloverleaf interchange have been replaced, we can all feel honored in knowing that Sunset Hills contained part of the most famous crossroad in America.”
Denton owns an extensive vintage postcard collection. His slide show will include some not-forgotten landmarks: Blue Bonnet Court, Vi-Don Motel, Twin Six Court, Westward Motel, Park/Ozark Plaza Court, the Sylvan Beach Resort and the Holiday Inn – South that some will remember for its restaurant, The Viking.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Anne Jesse, Secretary
Sunset Hills Historical Society
German Fest at Sunset Hills Community Center 2019
The German Fest has been moved to this coming Sunday, September 29, 2019, from 2:00 till 4:00 p.m. It will feature the music of the Joe Polach & the St. Louis Express Band, again on the lawn in front of the Sunset Hills Community Center. From 5:00 to 7:00 the Ambassadors of Swing will play as scheduled, as the final act of the Sunday Serenades series. Come enjoy the doubleheader!
Food will be for sale, and furnished by members of Canterbury Enterprises of Shrewsbury, Missouri. Barbecued hamburgers, hotdogs, bratwurst and chips will be for sale at a nominal fee, with a portion of the proceeds going to this local nonprofit sheltered workshop. Beer and wine will also be for sale.
We hope you can come and enjoy this musical celebration!
Anne Jesse, Secretary
Sunset Hills Historical Society
Sunset Country Club by Jim Healey
The Sunset Hills Historical Society will host a timely summer program about golf, its local history and Sunset Country Club. Author and local golf historian Jim Healey will discuss his book, Sunset Country Club- St. Louis 1910 – 2010, published in honor of its centennial celebration.
Adolphus Busch founded the Sunset Inn in 1911, wishing to create an elegant environment in which to drink beer and wine.
The Sunset Inn was a hunting, riding and fishing club with its dark, clubby interior and included prize-winning taxidermy creations by Schwarz Studio, the oldest taxidermist in the county. Furnished with stained glass and
accouterments from the 1904 Worlds Fair, the Sunset Inn was the most posh club in the south area.
It was August Busch Sr., and Eberhard Anheuser who enhanced the Sunset Inn with a golf course, begun in 1916 and opened in the summer of 1917.
At his presentation, Healey will also discuss the effect of the Depression on area golf courses, and the impact of the evolution on golf courses.
Jim Healey will be available for book sales and signings, and will also have other historic / coffee table books of other local golf courses.
Please join us for an enjoyable and informative evening. See you then!
Birds on the Bats at Sunset Hills Historical Society
The Sunset Hills Historical Society will present the St. Louis Cardinal History of the “Birds on the Bats” on Monday, May 20, at 7 p.m. This is the third in the ‘home stand’ series of programming that will feature local speakers on the history of the St. Louis Cardinals.
The presentation will feature two speakers: Gary Kodner, local author, graphics designer and historian of Cardinals’ uniforms; and Len Panneri, Sunset Hills resident and collector of early St. Louis Cardinals memorabilia.
Kodner’s most recent book, St. Louis Cardinals Uniforms and Logos: An Illustrated History, is a high-quality hardback 120-page coffee-table style book that takes a journey through the evolution of the Cardinals uniforms and logos from 1882. His presentation will include a visual and graphic history of the Cardinals in all its wonderful twists and turns, and will be a great reference for Cardinals fans or anyone who enjoys the subject of baseball team uniforms.
Kodner’s book and presentation is the perfect ‘double-play’ with Panneri’s collection of Cardinals memorabilia, from pennants to pinbacks. Together they will portray the history of STL logo collectibles: jerseys, photographs, autographs, pennants and pinbacks.
All Cardinals fans will want to join us for this visually-fun event in the Sunset Hills City Hall’s chambers, at 3939 South Lindbergh Blvd.
Parking and seating are limited. See you there!
Celebration by Dan O’Neill
The Sunset Hills Historical Society (SHHS) continues its ‘home stand’ series of programming that will feature local authors speaking on legends and lore of the St. Louis Cardinals.
In the on-deck circle, on Monday, April 22 at 7 PM, is well-known local sports writer Dan O’Neill. Formerly a reporter with the St. Louis Post Dispatch, he has written a book about the St. Louis Cardinals in the 1980’s, “Celebration; The Magic of the Cardinals in the 1980’s.”
O’Neill’s new book will include rare pictures and short episodes about the baseball Cardinals during the historic 1980’s. O’Neill will be available for signing and book sales.
“With 130 years of history, no decade is more responsible for igniting the passion and pride than the1980s Cardinals. Whitey Herzog re-invented the brand,” said O’Neill.
“Whitey Ball” represented “days of daring base-running, acrobatic defense and unparalleled excitement. From 1980-89, the Cardinals had the best winning percentage in the National League,” adds O’Neill.
“They captured three pennants, won a World Series and had two others get away. They were a switch-hitting, base-stealing, leather-flashing baseball team that reflected the swashbuckling character of their manager — Whitey Herzog.”
Join us for this fun trip down memory lane with Dan O’Neill.
Forest Park - Don Corrigan
The October meeting will feature a presentation by Don Corrigan about his book Forest Park, on Monday, October 22 at 7 PM the Sunset Hills City Hall.
Don Corrigan is the Editor of our local South County Times Newspaper, a professor of journalism at Webster University, and a local author. His most recent book, Forest Park, a part of the Images of America series by Arcadia Publishing, focuses on the history of the building of our favorite St. Louis landmark. Forest Park was dedicated in 1876 and became the venue for the ‘Louisiana Purchase Exposition’ informally known as the St. Louis World’s Fair of 1904. The Fair was to celebrate the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and would become an international exposition as well as the venue for the 1904 Olympics. Corrigan received a big assist with archival research on these historical events from co-author Holly Shanks.
Books will be available for sale and Corrigan will stick around for book-signing. We look forward to seeing you there!
Famous Firsts of St. Louis - Diane Rademacher
The Sunset Hills Historical Society (SHHS) January meeting will be on Monday evening, January 28, at 7 p.m. and will feature local author Diane Rademacher. Her presentation will focus on the many famous firsts of St. Louis, whether first in the world or first west of the Mississippi River.
Local Author Diane Rademacher has written books that are very St. Louis-centric, but her most notable Famous Firsts of St. Louis will be the focus of the SHHS January program. Her investigation took her to libraries, archives, and many reliable sources on the internet. The photo slideshow presentation will include photographs as well as historic footage.
Another one of her first books, Still Shining: Discovering Lost Treasures from the 1904 St. Louis Worlds Fair, reveals what happened to buildings, structures and artifacts AFTER the close of the world’s fair that were dispersed around the world, as she adds, “that you can still see!”
Both books will be available for sale and Rademacher will be available for signing them after the presentation. The program will be at 7 pm at Sunset Hills City Hall, 3939 South Lindbergh.
The Steamer Admiral - Annie Amantea Blum
The Sunset Hills Historical Society (SHHS) February meeting will feature a program by local author Annie Amantea Blum, author of The Steamer Admiral, on Monday, February 25 at 7 PM at the Sunset Hills City Hall, 3939 South Lindbergh Blvd.
Most of us who grew up in the St. Louis area are familiar with the S.S. Admiral, that sleek, Art Deco steel excursion boat that ferried parties, families, and sightseers up and down the Mississippi River for nearly 40 years.
“You know, in a big city we often lose sight of the river, but St. Louis and the rest of us have the rivers to thank for our existence,” states Blum.
Blum’s focus will be the history of the Acme Company, begun in 1889 by John Streckfus. His shipping and boating business grew but faced increased competition from the railroads. It was Streckfus who initiated the excursion boat genre.
It is the S.S.Admiral that was the flagship and was the culmination of his company.
Blum’s presentation will focus on the now-defunct, yet famous Steamer Admiral, its impact on the lives of most St. Louisans, as well as the importance of the rivers on our region.
Blum has written The Steamer Admiral & Streckfus Steamers, A Personal View, as well as the follow-up book, published by Arcadia as part of its Images of America series. It includes out-of-the ordinary photographs, which capture the rise and fall of the S.S.Admiral, and photos taken by her husband, Captain Jim Blum, riverboat captain in his own right.
Both books will be available for purchase and she and her husband, Capt. Jim Blum, will be available for signing them after the presentation.
All Roads Lead to St. Louis - Rob Rains and Sally Tippett Rains
The Sunset Hills Historical Society (SHHS) March meeting will be the first of a ‘home stand’ series of programming that will feature local authors speaking on legends and lore of the St. Louis Cardinals.
The opener of the series on Monday, March 25, at 7 PM are authors Rob Rains and Sally Tippett Rains, who have been around the local sports scene for many years. Their newly-published book about farm system, All Roads Lead to St. Louis—A Guide to the Cardinals and Their Minor League Teams, aptly opens the pre-season series.
With a Foreward by Mike Shildt, Cardinal Manager, the Rains’ book outlines the farm clubs of the Cardinals, and even where to visit and where to eat while visiting.
Parking and seating are limited and sometimes fill up to overflowing, so please plan accordingly.
This will be a fun way to kick of the 2019 baseball season!
Sunset Hill Historical Society 2019 event schedule
Sunset Hill Historical Society 2019 event schedule
January 28 – Diane Rademacher – Author of Famous Firsts of St. Louis
February 25 – Ann Blum – Author of The Steamer Admiral
March 25 – Sally & Rob Rains – Co-authors – All Roads Lead to St. Louis A guide to the Cardinals and their Minor League Teams
April 13 – Earth Day at the Sunset Hills Community Center, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
April 22 – Dan O’Neill, author of It’s a Celebration the Cardinals in the 1980s.
May 20 – Len Panneri, collector of baseball artifacts and collectibles Brian Finch, Cardinal Museum and Tour Services Manager. It’s a double header presentation!
June 24 – Jim Healey – History of Sunset Country Club
July 22 – Possible member-only event
August – (summer break, no meeting or presentations)
September 22 – (Sunday) German Fest at Sunset Hills Community Center – 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Free. Food available for purchase
October 28 – Phil Denton – Missouri 66 – St. Louis Metro Area
November – (administrative meeting)
December – (holiday break; no meeting)
Sunset Hills Historical Society typically meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 pm, unless there is a holiday, at the Sunset Hills City Hall located at 3939 South Lindbergh Blvd.; St. Louis, MO 63127. All above speakers are subject to change.
A Spirited Holiday Past - Site descriptions
Learn More about our Participating Sites
Want to know when, where, and times a site will be open? Scroll below to learn about all of the historic houses, museums, and private homes of Historic Saint Louis.
Bellefontaine Cemetery
4947 W. Florissant, St. Louis, MO 63115
Admission: free
Come visit the picturesque 314 acres of Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum. Stop inside our main gate at 4947 W. Florissant and enter our Gate House (building on the left) for directions to a set of stops in the cemetery. While there pick up a little holiday cheer with some lite refreshments. Proceed into the cemetery to the Campbell, Field family lots and to Historic Hotchkiss Chapel. At each location Volunteers and Staff will be on hand to present information to each location, family and impact on St. Louis and Regional History. An exposure to the history of St. Louis and to a class II Arboretum, on the Morton scale, make a visit to Bellefontaine of interest for all that enter the gates.
1820 Col. Benjamin Stephenson House
409 S. Buchanan, Edwardsville, IL 62025
Admission: Adults: $6, Children (6-12 years old): $3, Under 6: free
Blair Huse McAvoy Mansion
2043 Park Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63104
Admission: Adults: $5, Children (under 16): free
Lafayette Square features one of its premier historic residences, the Blair-Huse Mansion, owned by Mike and Carolyn McAvoy. Originally a country home built for Montgomery Blair, a lawyer who represented Dred Scott in his famous freedom trial and served as Postmaster General during the Lincoln administration, the estate once covered the North side of Lafayette Park.
Following the Civil War, Blair sold the home to St. Louis Mayor James Britton, who in turn sold it to William Huse, a businessman successful in both steamboats and ice. Huse hired architect George Barnett to redesign and double the size of the house. It is similar to the Missouri Governor’s Mansion in Jefferson City, also designed by Barnett. The home features a classic mansard roof, 14 foot ornate ceilings, walnut staircases and shutters and six fireplaces, arrayed for the holidays.
Campbell House Museum
1508 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO 6310 314-421-0325
Admission: Adults: $8, Children (12 & under): free
Built in 1851, the first house in the elegant Lucas Place neighborhood, the Campbell House was the home of renowned fur trader and entrepreneur Robert Campbell and his family from 1854 until 1938. The museum contains hundreds of original Campbell possessions including furniture, paintings, clothing, letters, carriages and a unique set of interior photographs taken in the mid-1880s.
Chatillon-DeMenil Mansion
3352 DeMenil Place, Saint Louis, MO 63118
Admission: Adult: $8, Children (under 12): free
Nicolas and Emilie Sophie DeMenil’s Greek Revival mansion is splendidly decorated for a “joyeux Noel” reflecting Victorian holiday traditions. Holiday crafts will be available for children 12 and under.
Thornhill Mansion at Faust Park
15185 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017
Admission: Adults: $10 in advance $12 cash at the door, Children (4-12): $5, Under 4: free
Come experience the beauty of a holiday at Thornhill, the home of Governor and Mrs. Frederick Bates located in Faust Park. The customs of the 1860’s will surround guests on this self-guided tour through the festively adorned rooms with historically dressed docents in attendance. Thornhill is the oldest standing governor’s house in the state of Missouri and will be open Friday, November 30th 6-9 pm and Saturday, December 1st 10am-4pm & 5-9 pm.
Field House Museum
634 South Broadway, Saint Louis, MO 63102
Admission: Adults: $7, Children (7-16) $4, Under 7: free
The Field House Museum is a dynamic museum and historic site focused on the Field Family. The historic house was once the home of Roswell Field, noted St. Louis attorney, and the birthplace of his son, Eugene Field, the “Children’s Poet” who was known best for his poems, Wynken, Blynken, & Nod and The Gingham Dog & Calico Cat. While living in the home, Roswell Field became the key attorney in the Dred & Harriet Scott Freedom Suit when he formulated the legal strategy that propelled the case to federal court. The house is designated as a National Historic Landmark and has an attached museum featuring the many collections of the museum. Guests will enjoy seeing our historic house, decorated for the holiday and featuring a beautifully adorned German feather tree. Stop by our kids’ activity spot to create a fun holiday activity.
First State Capitol State Historic Site
200 South Main Street, St. Charles, MO 63301
Admission: Free
Gittemeier House
1067 Dunn Road, Florissant, MO 63031
Admission: Donation Encouraged
Griot Museum of Black History
2505 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, MO 63106
Admission: Adult: $7.50, Children (12 & under): $3.75
Hanley House
7600 Westmoreland Ave., Clayton, MO 63105 314-290-8553
Admission: $5 per person
Martin Franklin Hanley built the Historic Hanley House in 1855. The farmstead is the oldest structure in the City of Clayton and it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The restored home is today an historic house museum filled with original family furnishings, artifacts, and letters that together represent an honest portrayal of 19th century Missouri life. The holiday season is particularly important in the interpretation of the site as it was historically a time when M.F. Hanley, his wife Cyrene, their 10 children and extended family would try their best to gather in St. Louis to celebrate.
Hawken House
1155 S. Rock Hill Rd., St. Louis, MO 63119
Admission: Adult: $5, Children (12 & under): free
The Historic Christopher Hawken House is one of the oldest houses in suburban Webster Groves. Christopher Miller Hawken came from a family of gunsmiths who handcrafted the “Hawken rifle” and built this elegant Federal/Greek Revival style farmhouse in 1857 for his bride, Mary Ann Kinkead Eads. The house originally stood on Big Bend Boulevard along Grant Road, and was moved to Southwest Park in 1970 in order to preserve the structure. It was the first home in Missouri to receive federal funds for restoration, which matched the amount raised by the citizens of Webster Groves and is listed on the National Historic Register. It is now maintained and operated by the Webster Groves Historical Society. Furnished entirely in the Victorian decor of that period, it is open to the public and special tours are available.
Historic Daniel Boone Home
1868 Highway F, Defiance, MO 633419 636-798-2005 Website Contact Admission: Adult: $8, Senior (60+): $6, Children (5-12): $5, Under 5: free
Historic Sappington House
1015 South Sappington Road, St. Louis, MO 63126 314-822-8171
Admission: Adult: $5, Children (under 12): $1
During Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, Thomas Sappinton built this frontier home for his bride Mary Ann. The 210-year-old house is judged to be the oldest surviving brick home in St. Louis County and is a rare example of Federal architecture in Missouri. Meticulously restored, elegantly refurbished and decorated with Christmas greenery, Sappington House is a window that allows visitors to look back to life in early 1800’s. Through a whimsical, yet historical skit, the costumed Sappingtons will enjoy the joyous season with other St. Louis families. Holiday treats will be served by The Barn restaurant.
Jarrot Mansion State Historic Site
124 E 1st St, East Saint Louis, IL 62206
The Jarrot Mansion Project and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources is offering a special holiday event on December 1st: a chance to meet and learn the story of St. Nicholas and tour the beautiful and historic Jarrot Mansion. St. Nicholas – or Pere Noel, as he became known to the French – was a 4th century bishop whose story of helping the poor eventually transformed into the story of Santa Claus. St. Nicholas will be at the Jarrot Mansion to greet guests and explain who he is and how he inspired our modern Santa Claus. The Jarrot Mansion was built in 1810 for the wealthy merchant Nicholas Jarrot, and is one of the oldest brick buildings in Illinois. The Mansion will be decorated for the holiday season in traditional frontier French style, and guides will be available to explain how the Jarrot family celebrated the Christmas season.
Laborer’s House – Jefferson Barracks
360 North Road, St. Louis, MO 63125
Admission: Adults: $3, Children (5-12): $1.50, Under 5: free
Please join us and celebrate Christmas in 1860 at the Laborers House in Historic Jefferson Barracks Park. Meet the Ordnance Keeper’s family of 4 and a naval officer who rented a room from them as well. You will experience Christmas during the holiday period of 1860. Learn about our homemade decorations and our favorite treats. Father Christmas (Santa Claus) will be there for photo opportunities and you’ll enjoy treats like hot chocolate, mulled cider and cookies. Enjoy the ambiance of lit candles and a time when life was hard work, but yet simpler times.
Magic Chef Mansion
3400 Russell, Saint Louis, MO 63104
Admission: Adult: $15, Children (6-12): $8, Under 6: free
The Magic Chef Mansion was built in 1908 for Charles Stockstrom who founded the Magic Chef Stove Company. Come and see the original lighting, period furniture, bowling alley and carriage house decorated for Christmas.
John B. Myers Home
108 Dunn Road, Florissant, MO 63031
In 1867 John B. Myers purchased a fifty acre tract in Florissant on what was then Taylor Road. In 1869 John Myers died with only the cellar of the present house completed. His widow completed the house according to the plans of her husband, which pinpoints the construction of the house between 1869-1870. The house has been preserved due to its architectural significance. It demonstrates remarkable persistence of the classical palladian tradition continuing into the Victorian era with its vertical proportions and elaborate details. Of particular interest is the extensive fresco work. The preservation of the Myers House is a precedent setting case in Missouri. It was saved from demolition for a highway because it had officially been designated a landmark by the City of Florissant. Currently the John B Myers House is divided into a weaving shop on the first floor and a private home on the second floor. The entire home is open to the public.
Mudd’s Grove
302 W. Argonne Drive., Kirkwood, MO 63122
Admission: $5
Mudd’s Grove was built in 1859 in the heart of Kirkwood by John Hoffman. The imposing 3 story red brick building is in the Greek Revival style of architecture. Today the lovely furnishings reflect the Victorian Era when the home was occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Mudd and their seven children. While living here Mr. Mudd traveled extensively through the Western Territories as a land developer. He held a number of political positions including St. Louis County Auditor. He was a member of the Town Board of Kirkwood and the Missouri State Legislature. Mudd’s Grove was purchased in 1992 by the Kirkwood Historical Society and extensively restored. Today the home not only serves as a museum but includes a comprehensive library for historical research.
Old Courthouse
11 North Fourth Street, St. Louis, MO 63102 314-655-1600 Admission: free
Scott Joplin State Historic Site
2658 Delmar Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63103
Admission: Adult: $6, Children (6-17): $4, Under 6: free
Come to the Scott Joplin House State Historic Site for our Victorian Holiday Tour. Enter into the past (1902 to be exact) and delight in his historic apartment, complete with gas lights and calcimine paint decorated for the season. Visit next door to the Rosebud Cafe and enjoy authentic turn-of-the 20th century beverages and tasty treats. Experience the music of the season that Scott Joplin might have enjoyed during his time living here.
Sutter-Meyer Farmhouse
6826 Chamberlain Ct., University City, MO 63130 314-862-4569
Admission: free
The Sutter-Meyer Farmhouse is the oldest house in University City. It was originally built by William (b. 1846) and Julia Sutter on 8.33 acres of land inherited from William’s father, John Sutter (1815-1867). John Sutter came from Germany with his family in 1831. He had 16 children. John Sutter was a dairyman whose business supplied major St. Louis hotels. The community on Olive near the Sutter farm became known as Sutter, Missouri and had its own post office! In 1875, William Sutter sold his house and property to Roman Meyer (1847-1913), another German immigrant. Meyer was a truck farmer. In 1906 the area was incorporated into the new municipality of University City. The farmhouse was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. The City of University City now owns the farmhouse and adjacent land. It is leased by the Sutter-Meyer Society, formed in 2008 to perserve and maintain this University City treasure.
Taille de Noyer
1896 S. New Florissant Rd., Florissant, MO 63031
Admission: Adult: $3, Children: $2
Taille de Noyer, the more than 200-year-old house, will be decorated for the holidays – guests are invited to tour all four floors of Tallie – the lower level contains memorabilia from Florissant homes and businesses including a bar from a saloon that closed during the Prohibition where one can enjoy a sample of mulled cider today; the first and second floors are the living quarters where you will find stockings hung on the fireplace and gifts from the period unde the tree. The aroma of spices coming from the kitchen will add to the holiday spirit. The third floor is home to the Period Clothing Collection that spans more than a century.
Tappmeyer Homestead
2 Barnes West Drive, Creve Coeur, MO 63141
Admission: free
Constructed in 1880, the Tappmeyer Homestead is an understated elegant Victorian Italianate farmhouse now located in Creve Coeur’s Millennium Park, behind Barnes West Hospital at Olive St. Rd. and Mason Rd. (#2 Barnes West Drive). The finely detailed and gracefully proportioned front porch is the entrance to the house. This, coupled with three high dormers on the front, causes the house to take on a playhouse-like appearance, which belies its actual size. Arriving from Germany, the Tappmeyer family settled in the area and became grain farmers, living in the home continuously for 108 years. Family lore is wagon loads of potatoes were delivered to the city, returning with lumber to build the house. The 600 ton house was moved from its prominent location on Olive in 2003, with a first floor restoration in 2008. The majority of the house is original including the beautiful corbels, interior and exterior trim, and balustrades. An interior wall of the house has been left exposed showing the brick nogging construction and balloon framing and is covered with original plaster and stenciling. The house will be decorated in holiday fashion consistent with the time period of its construction.
Twillman House
11840 Bellefontaine Road St. Louis, MO 631381 314-615-4386 Admission: Free
(We are having a giving tree; donations of a NEW scarf, gloves, socks or mittens to hang on our tree would be appreciated.)
Come visit Twillman House and see how it has been transformed from a country farm house to a community center. It is a historic town house built around the late 1800’s by John Henry Twillman built a fancy farmhouse on 374 acres in Spanish Lake (at Bellefontaine and Redman Roads). Three generations of this family lived in the home. In 1945 the house was sold. It then became the Meadowlark Restaurant and later the Old Homestead Restaurant. In 2005 the Spanish Lake Community Association purchased the house and renovated it to be the community center for Spanish Lake. We are currently using the house for community activities and private rental events.
White Haven
7400 Grant Road, St. Louis, MO 63123 314-842-1867
Admission: free
Connections Across Time
Can you trace the degrees of separation from Daniel Boone to Edward Bates, Pierre Laclede to Dred Scott, Samuel Hawken to Ulysses S. Grant, and Thomas Hart Benton to seven Saint Louis historic sites? Do you want to learn parlor games not to be attempted at home? Come travel through Saint Louis history and listen in as interpreters and costumed characters provide pieces of these puzzles.
African-American Sites
Tour sites that not only shaped the history of Saint Louis, but also the nation:
Benjamin Stephenson House
Blair Huse McAvoy Mansion
Field House Museum
Griot Museum of Black History
Hanley House
Historic Sappington House
Old Courthouse
Scott Joplin House
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
Civil War Sites
Take a trip through Civil War history at the following sites:
Blair Huse McAvoy Mansion
Field House Museum
Griot Museum of Black History
Hanley House
Hawken House
Mudd’s Grove
Old Courthouse
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
See the sites of the country when you travel to the following sites:
Benjamin Stephenson House
Daniel Boone Home
Gittimeier House
Hanley House
Historic Sappington House
Hawken House
Sutter-Meyer Farmhouse
Taille de Noyer Farm House
Tappmeyer Homestead
Thornhill Governor’s Mansion
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
Early American Sites
Explore some of the earliest settlements in the Saint Louis area when you visit these houses:
Benjamin Stephenson House
Daniel Boone Home
Historic Sappington House
Thornhill Governor’s Mansion
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
French Heritage Sites
Enjoy a trip in French history when you visit the following sites:
Blair-Huse McAvoy Mansion
Chatillon-DeMenil Mansion
Jarrot Mansion Project
Germanic Sites
Learn about Saint Louis’ German ties as you travel to these historic sites:
Field House Museum
Magic Chef Mansion
Tappmeyer Homestead
Wanting to stay close to one central location? Visit these clustered sites:
Cluster 1:
Gittimeier House
John B. Meyers House
Taille de Noyer House
Cluster 2:
Blair-Huse McAvoy Mansion
Campbell House Museum
Field House Museum
Old Courthouse
Scott Joplin House
Explore the sites of the “big city” when you visit these venues:
Blair-Huse McAvoy Mansion
Chatillon-DeMenil Mansion
Field House Museum
Griot Museum of Black History
Magic Chef Mansion
Old Courthouse
Victorian Sites
See high society at its best when you visit these historic sites:
Blair-Huse McAvoy Mansion
Campbell House Museum
Hawken House
Mudd’s Grove
Tappmeyer Homestead
Thornhill & Faust Park
Soldiers Memorial Grand Reopening Nov 3
Explore St Louis article on Soldiers memorial
November 3
The grand reopening will begin with a 9 am concert honoring veterans, followed by a formal ceremony at 10 am. Brigadier General Jeannie M. Leavitt, a St. Louis native and the US Air Force’s first female fighter pilot, will give the keynote address.
Discover the new exhibits and explore the revitalized Soldiers Memorial and Court of Honor after the ceremony. The first 5,000 visitors will receive commemorative pins.
November 5–7
Enjoy a special musical performance of All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914, performed by Mustard Seed Theatre. Experience the story of soldiers who defied their commanders with a night of peace on the battlefield. Performances will take place daily at 3pm and 7pm, and the exhibits will remain open until the show begins each evening. Reserve your tickets at
November 10
Start your day at the 3rd annual St. Patrick Center Veterans Day 5K, which raises awareness for veteran homelessness. Afterward, head to Soldiers Memorial at 10am for the 35th Annual Regional Veterans Day Observance, a ceremony honoring area veterans. Stick around for the 35th Annual Veterans Day Parade, which will begin at 12pm at Chestnut St. and Tucker Blvd. and pass by Soldiers Memorial.
November 11
The armistice that ended hostilities during World War I was signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. To commemorate the centennial of this important moment, join representatives of the American Legion 11th and 12th District for their annual veterans ceremony and wreath laying, starting at 10:55am.
For additional activities taking place between November 3 and 12, please visit
Help commemorate the grand reopening of the revitalized Soldiers Memorial Military Museum, beginning with a musical arrangement honoring veterans. A formal ceremony will follow, with remarks from veterans and civic leaders. After the ceremony, stay to explore the new exhibits and the renovated museum. This event is free and open to the public.
The first 5,000 visitors to Soldiers Memorial will receive commemorative pins. Additionally, the US Postal Service will conduct a stamp cancellation commemorating the grand reopening of Soldiers Memorial from 11am to 1pm.
Food trucks will be available from 8am to 2pm.
American Sign Language interpretation will be provided at this program.
1315 Chestnut St.
St. Louis, MO 63103
9am: Concert
10am: Formal opening ceremony
11am: Soldiers Memorial opens to the public
The grand reopening will begin at 9 a.m. with a concert honoring veterans, followed by a flag raising. The formal ceremony, featuring remarks from veterans and civic leaders, will begin at 10 a.m. American Sign Language interpretation will be provided.
Soldiers Memorial will open to the public at 11 a.m., and the first 5,000 visitors will receive commemorative pins. Additionally, the US Postal Service will conduct a stamp cancellation commemorating the grand reopening of Soldiers Memorial from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Food trucks will be available from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and there will be a flag lowering ceremony at 5 p.m.
Tour Zephaniah Sappington-John Dressel Home
October 13, 2018 – 9:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m.
Tour/discussion – free to the public

Sappington-Dressel Home located at the Historic Daniel Boone Home at Lindenwood Park
1868 Highway F, Defiance, MO 63341
The home was constructed sometime between 1804 and 1810 on what is now Gravois Road in South St. Louis County. Zephaniah Sappington was the oldest son of Sgt. John Sappington, a Revolutionary War hero from Maryland who, with his family, came to the Missouri Territory at the beginning of the 19th century.
Sgt. John Sappington also fought with Daniel Boone at the Battle of Blue Licks in Kentucky and served time as a trustee of Fort Boonesborough, the first permanent American settlement in Kentucky founded by the Boone family.
The Zephaniah Sappington home was “the next-door neighbor” to Whitehaven, the childhood home of Julia Dent and, after her marriage, the home of Julia and her husband, President Ulysses S. Grant.
The Zephaniah Sappington home was purchased by Henry Dressel in 1887 when Dressel’s son, John, was nine months old. John Dressel lived in the house for the next 100 years. John Dressel became a well-known civic leader in the Sappington area. Through his efforts, the Lindbergh School District was chartered in the home in 1949.
The home was at risk of being destroyed in late 1987, but public interest in preserving the house, spearheaded by Colonel Robert Pecoraro, Colonel Barney Combs and the Historic Daniel Boone Home staff saved it from demolition. This coming November marks the 31st. anniversary of the saving/dismantling of the Zephaniah Sappington/John Dressel Home.
Randall Andréa, the former director and operator of the Historic Daniel Boone Home, believed it would be an appropriate addition to the living history village being constructed at the Boone Home and carefully catalogued, dismantled and moved the building to the Defiance property for reconstruction. When Lindenwood University acquired the Daniel Boone Home and Boonesfield Village in 1998, it made completion of the Sappington-Dressel House one of its first priorities.
Lindenwood University dedicated the reconstructed Sappington-Dressel Home, a landmark home at a private ceremony on Saturday, October 21, 2000 at the Historic Daniel Boone Home and Boonesfield Village.
The Daniel Boone Home at Lindenwood Park is now a part of the St. Charles County Parks system.
Have you ever wanted to see the inside of the Zephaniah Sappington/John Dressel home and see how it was dismantled? Have you ever wanted to know about the history of this Historic home that was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980?
This program will be FREE to the public and you will be able to enter the home and view the display of photographs, pamphlets, newspaper articles and video of the dismantling. Meet Colonel Pecoraro and Colonel Combs as they discuss the process that went into the saving and dismantling of this historic home. The Sappington/Dressel Home is not often open to the public, so this will be an excellent opportunity to see this beautiful home on the inside.
The Historic Daniel Boone Home at Lindenwood Park
1868 Highway F
Defiance, MO 63341
Phone: (636) 798-2005
See us on Facebook The Historic Daniel Boone Home
Lindbergh High School Mothers Club House Tour
Sunday, December 8, 2013
See more about the house tour
And more
Friday, November 1, at 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm
Twilight Tour of Old St. Johns Cemetery
Encore Twilight Tour of Old St. Johns Cemetery. The public is invited to “meet” some of the early members of St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ located at Lindbergh & Highway 55. See for more info. Bring your flashlights and dress for comfort. Our guides will lead you on a tour of Old St. Johns Cemetery and share stories from the past. Friday, November 1, at 6:30 pm, second tour at 7:30 pm. Meet at the flagpole in front of the church.
Sunday, October 13, 2013 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Thomas Sappington House 205th anniversary celebration
Thomas Sappington House
1015 S. Sappington Rd.
Crestwood, MO 63126 Get Directions
See description of the anniversary celebration in the South County Times. Sunday, October 13, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Free and open to the public.
See video about the Sappington House made by KETC for the 200th anniversary of the house.
Sappington-Concord Historical Society…
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