St. Louis 250 theme
2014 is the 250th anniversary of the founding of St. Louis, Missouri
An umbrella organization, STL250, is coordinating the anniversary celebration activities.
Links for more information:
It’s official! The Thomas Sappington House has been voted to be the site of a “Cakeway to the West” to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of St Louis.This is a great honor for the Thomas Sappington House and the whole Sappington-Concord area. See the full list of sites on the STL250.org website.
Cakeway to the West
Here is information (links to the information) about the cakes including a list of the locations of the cakes
Cakeway to the West Host Locations
Cakeway to the West Host Locations printable pdf
Cakeway to the West Top 50 Public Vote Finishers
Finding cakes with the STL250 App
Printable PDF of the list of Cakeway sites (about 20 pages long) Cakeway sites
Sappington-Concord Historical Society…
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