January 24, Thursday, SCHS quarterly general membership meeting at Lindbergh High School, 5000 S. Lindbergh, in the cafeteria. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., brief business meeting at 7:00 p.m. Break for refreshments, then a presentation by Barbara Kay, who portrays Margaret “Molly” Brown. Most people associate Molly Brown’s fame with the sinking of the Titanic but Barbara will tell the actual story of Molly’s life and how her name became synonymous with other issues in the early twentieth century.
Directions to Lindbergh High School cafeteria
Turn onto the campus at the signal at Lindbergh Blvd & Roxanna Drive. At the guard station, turn right and follow the drive around the library to the large parking lot at the bottom of the slope. The parking lot there stretches out to the left. The Commons is the building at the far left, at the end of the parking lot. Park and enter through the doors as in the photo on the left. Inside, turn right into the cafeteria.
See directions to Lindbergh High School
March 26 – “Tuskegee Airmen” by Yolandea Wood at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills. Yolandea Wood is president of Tuskegee Airmen Inc, Hugh J. White Chapter in southern Illinois.
In the 1940s the Tuskegee Airmen and Airwomen faced a segregated America. Yet they chose to fight for a Double Victory, a chance for equality at home and victory abroad. Their stories have been told in the HBO movie Tuskegee Airmen and Red Tails. This presentation brings to life the stirring stories of these men and women who overcame obstacles and even fell in love while flying over the fields of Alabama.

Tuskegee Airmen by Yolandea Wood
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills
April 18 – Title: “Looking Back from 75 Years” at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills. Presentation is by Tom Hoff from Jefferson Barracks Historic Site where his is curator. This year, 2019, is the 75th anniversary of D-Day. It was the start of the liberation of Northwest Europe. Tom Hoff discusses the liberation and the role of American forces in it. The “Looking Back from 75 years” exhibit at Jefferson Barracks Historic Site in the Old Ordinance Room museum runs March 16 to December 21.
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.

D-Day Plus 75 by Tom Hoff
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills
April 18, Thrusday, 6:30-7:30 pm
Open House for students and parents to learn about the dig and to register, in the Library of Americana building behind the Sappington House. See student flier for more info. See Dig Events and Announcements for location.
April 24, Wednesday, SCHS quarterly general membership meeting at Lindbergh High School, 5000 S. Lindbergh, in the cafeteria. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., brief business meeting at 7:00 p.m. Break for refreshments, then a presentation by Mike Venso, the curator at Soldiers Memorial Military Museum, will provide an overview of the renovations and exhibits at the new Soldiers Memorial Military Museum. The program will feature historic and contemporary images that showcase the dramatic changes the site has seen since its construction in the late 1930s through 2018.
Directions to Lindbergh High School cafeteria
Turn onto the campus at the signal at Lindbergh Blvd & Roxanna Drive. At the guard station, turn right and follow the drive around the library to the large parking lot at the bottom of the slope. The parking lot there stretches out to the left. The Commons is the building at the far left, at the end of the parking lot. Park and enter through the doors as in the photo on the left. Inside, turn right into the cafeteria.
See directions to Lindbergh High School
May 16 – “St Louis Sound” by Amanda Doyle and Steve Pick at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills. On the history of music in St Louis. See description.
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills
May 27, Monday, 10:00 am, the annual SCHS Memorial Day ceremony on the Green at St. Lucas. The ceremony starts at 10:00 am. Bring your own lawn chair. Ceremony is followed by a reception in the social hall at Saint Lucas starting at 11:00 am. The ceremony and the reception are sponsored by the Sappington-Concord Historical Society. Saint Lucas UCC church generously hosts the SCHS ceremony and reception.
May 30, Thursday, 10:00 am, the archaeological dig for high school students starts at Sappington House. The dig continues for 13 days, Tuesdays through Saturdays, finishing on June 15. The dates and hours for visitors and the kids activities area are June 1, to June 14, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. See the page for the dig at Sappington House for more information.
June 20 – “Celebration: The Magic of the Cardinals in the 1980s” by Dan O’Neill at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills. On the history of the baseball Cardinals in the 1980’s.
See description of the presentation
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Commemorative Grave Marking
At Sappington Cemetery
Sat, July 13, 10:00 am
9111 Watson Road
July 13, Saturday,10:00 am
Commemorative Grave Marking at Sappington Cemetery, 9111 Watson Road
To mark the graves of John Long, John Sappington and Joseph Wells
Sponsored by the John Sappington Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Spirit of St Louis Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution
Parking in Crestwood Industrial Court
July 18 – “St. Louis State Hospital: A 150-Year Journey toward Hope” by Amanda Hunyar
at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills.
See description of this presentation
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills
July 24, 2019, Wednesday, at 7 p.m. SCHS General Membership meeting at St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ, 11333 St. Johns Church Road (near I-55 and Lindbergh Blvd.)
“1904 World’s Fair: Inventions & Innovations” by Doug Schneider. His presentation includes many inventions that made their debut at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis: the detachable electric plug, the fax machine, cotton candy and many others. The Fair exposed people to things that they had never seen before, including the ice cream cone and puffed rice. Don’t miss Judy Garland singing “Meet Me in St. Louis.”
Photo below from Wikipedia. See other photos and info about the fair at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana_Purchase_Exposition
Directions to St Johns

1904 World’s Fair: Inventions & Innovations
August 15 – “Going West” by Sarah Cato on one family’s moving west and thriving in adverse times. Sarah is a co-founer of the St. Louis Association of African Ancestored Researchers.
At Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills.
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills
September 19 – “Hoosiers and Scrubby Dutch: St. Louis’s South Side” by Jim Merkel. Author and presenter, Jim Merkel, shows how on St. Louis’s South Side, people stand in line for frozen treats named for building material, and women used to scrub their concrete steps every Friday. In the South Side, a stop sign means “tap the brakes quick,” and a restaurant masquerades as a windmill. In the South Side, a dentist once moonlighted as a murderer, and a bloody bank heist became the basis for an early Steve McQueen movie. And in the South Side, prepare to run if you use a particular local slur. Suburban Journals reporter Jim Merkel brings nearly ten years’ experience in covering the South Side. Herein are some of the people, places, and events that made the South Side a place like nowhere else. “South Siders are down-to-earth, good people,” this South Sider writes. “I’m staying until they drag me away for good.”
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills
October 17 – “Bellefontaine’s People of Intrigue…” by Richard Lay at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills. At Bellefontaine Cemetery spies as well as other people of intrigue can be found. These individuals are young and old, male and female. Their stories are unique and fascinating. The span of time, for these stories includes, pre-Civil War to burials in recent memory. From duels on St. Louis’s “Bloody Island” to local and international man hunts we will share their tales and light on the details which make these individuals so intriguing.
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Lindbergh High School Commons, cafeteria is inside and to the right
October 23, Wednesday, SCHS quarterly general membership meeting in the cafeteria at Lindbergh High School, 5000 S. Lindbergh Blvd. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., brief business meeting at 7:00 p.m. followed by a short break for refreshments. Cameron Collins will share great stories and plenty of St. Louis memories. He is the author of Distilled History, a St. Louis history and drinking blog that was named the Riverfront Times’ Best Personal Blog in 2013. He’s the coauthor of the 3rd edition of “St. Louis Brews,” author of “Lost Treasures of St. Louis,” and the coauthor of the upcoming “Scenes of Historic Wonder: St. Louis.”
Directions to Lindbergh High School cafeteria
Turn onto the campus at the signal at Lindbergh Blvd & Roxanna Drive. At the guard station, turn right and follow the drive around the library to the large parking lot at the bottom of the slope. The parking lot there stretches out to the left. The Commons is the building at the far left, at the end of the parking lot. Park and enter through the doors as in the photo on the left. Inside, turn right into the cafeteria.
See directions to Lindbergh High School
November 10, Sunday, 2:00 pm at the Sappington House in the Library of Americana, the gray building behind the Sappington House
Student presentations on their experiences and findings on the dig at Sappington House, summer 2019. Invited are the students, their families and friends and the general public. Free

Sappington House, front view
November 21 – “Virginia Minor” by Barbara Kay at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills.
Virginia Minor re-enactment
Presentation and re-enactment by Barbara Kay who portrays Virginia Minor, the suffragette who fought for the right of women to vote. In 1872, she tried unsuccessfully to register to vote. She sued for the right and her suit went all the way to the Supreme Court, where she lost. When did women finally get the right to vote? Get the answer on the page, Virginia Minor presentation.
This presentation is part of the monthly 2018 History Talks speaker series at Friendship Village South in Sunset Hills, jointly sponsored by Sappington-Concord Historical Society and Sappington House.
When you get to Friendship Village, use the friendly shuttle for your convenience. The presentations are generally held in the Rhineland Room in the Crossings building. Please check in at the front desk and get directions to the Rhineland Room.
Friendship Village Sunset Hills
12503 Village Circle Drive, Sunset Hills, MO 63127
Get more specifics about the venue on the page: Friendship Village Sunset Hills